Mrs. Setzer with a message for everyone.

Mrs. Little with a message for us all.

Mrs. Lape has a message she wants to share-

Mrs. Berry wants you to know....

A special message from Mrs. Ferrell and Mrs. Hinton

A message from Nurse Sami

Mrs. Warren is missing her students!

Mrs McGrodder with a message for her students

Mrs. Gray has a message for her students.

A message from Mrs. Boykin

A message from Mrs. Oliver

A message from Mrs. Davis

A message from Mrs. Naftel

Mrs. Futrell has a message for her students.

The entire staff of EWA want all the students and parents to know WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER! Some of them have created videos and signs that we will share with you throughout the week. #weB4meEWA #4qEWA #wegotthis #CoronaED #weareallinthistogether

Great article for Parents! Please take a minute to read and reflect. We are all in this together.

Talking to kids about Coronavirus:

If your child is missing something please check the Lost and Found link on our website. Pictures are updated daily.

Candy Man Cookie Dough money is due now but we will accept it through Thursday. Thank you in advanced for your support!

K-11 Spring Dress Down Pictures are this Wednesday 2/12 - everyone photographed - send no money now!